Sep 8, 2017 App Development
Benefits of Android App Development for your Business
Sep 8, 2017 App Development
Sep 8, 2017 App Development
Android is right now the most famous mobile operating system which has a market share of around 64% while iOS has 32% market share. The reason for so much popularity of Android is that it is an open source mobile OS and have an easy mobile app development process. More and more businesses taking benefits of Android and creating custom mobile apps which are solving customer’s problems and increasing value for their businesses. Here we are explaining the benefits the businesses will get by doing Android Application development.
If you are running a business then you can look for Mobile app development services so that your business also gets a boost due to increased customers from mobile devices through your mobile app.
Android is free and an open source platform built on Linux. Google owns Android and also provides Android Development Studio, the development tool used to build Android apps. If you want to take your business to new heights then you should look for android app development services from a well established and experienced company.
Demand for Android based smartphones is still growing at fast speed. If your business will get a presence on Android mobile phones then it will definitely be a great push for your business.
Now we will describe some benefits of Android App development:-
Very less Investment
Android involves comparatively less cost to entry. Android provides free software development tools, Android Development Studio for the developer community which reduces the development and other costs for the developer company. The development costs include the application development cost, testing cost and hardware cost for testing and deploying the Android mobile application. Hence using Android you will get less investment cost and high return on investment.
Android is Open Source
Android is open source hence you can interact with huge Android development community for the upcoming versions of the Android mobile application development. There is no licensing fee and royalty free involved in using Android by Android device manufacturers. Hence Android is very attractive for mobile manufacturers which result in faster development of Android based mobile phones and also better chances for developers to earn more.
Android is easy to integrate
If you are looking for complex technical customization and integration of web application or even just smartphone application then Android app is the right solutions for you as the entire Android platform is ready for customization. You can easily integrate and customize the mobile apps as per your business requirements. Android allows you to integrate the apps with existing applications.
Android is based on Java which is very popular
Android applications are written in Java programming language with the help of huge libraries. If you know Java then you can easily build Android applications. So many of Java developers have shifted to Android development as they find it very easy to migrate.
Hence if you are going for mobile app development then you should go for Android app development with which you will get so many benefits. In future, more and more people will start using smartphones based on Android platform which will enable your mobile app to reach much more customers which will ultimately boost your business.