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The Best Coding Tips For Programmers

Coding is one of the most critical aspects of web and software development. It would be not entirely wrong to coin it as the soul of a web development project. All the functionalities and features of a web application are controlled by codes written for each function. Whether you provide PHP web application development, .Net development, Java web development or any other web development services, you will be required to write code for each and every one. However, it has been observed that most amateur developers (even some experienced ones) tend to write their code without thinking much. This kind of impulsive coding is not considered appropriate for developing quality solutions. Mentioned below are some of the best coding tips and practices for all web application development professionals. Avoid Rewriting The Code And Try To Rework It: Most of the developers find it easier and appealing to just clean the system and start writing their own code based on the knowledge that they have gained till then. This might not be the best practice for writing code as there is another more effective and easier way of doing it. Try to work at one piece at a time. Understand them from inside and then change them right from the core. Try working on one piece at a time and you would do great. Understand The Requirements Before You Start Typing: Even before you type a single line of code, it is required that you first understand everything about the solution. Make

Ten Things To Remember While Hiring A Business Analyst

The role of business analysts is very critical in IT organizations as they bridge the gap between client and the resources working on client’s project in the development department. They play a very active and fully involved part in the development of solutions while performing little or no actual hands-on role in the development of solutions. A business analyst is the one who gets pointed out by both user and the IT department in case of any contrary situation. The IT department usually blames them for not having the exact knowledge of what they do and the client confronts the business analyst in case the solution delivered by IT department is executing properly but is not doing what they exactly required from it. The role of a business analyst may sound very challenging but it is also challenging to hire a business analyst who can fit in the role perfectly. Organizations find it very tricky when they go out to hire business analyst as the required skills, knowledge and experience for the position are often hard to define. Here are 10 things to look for while going out to hire a business analyst: Experience of being in the role of an analyst: While hiring a highly experienced person is always beneficial but there is nothing wrong in choosing someone at the entry level for such a position. However, if you go for a candidate at entry level then make sure that the person has a knack for analyzing things and

Tips to remember while starting project with an IT outsourcing company

Outsourcing is unavoidable for businesses and organizations in current market scenario. The tough competition and diminishing margins leave little choice for them other than to outsource their non core business activities and requirements to an offshore service provider. IT requirements are the most outsourced process by business and organizations as developing solutions in-house is very costly and requires a lot of time to set-up and actually start developing the solutions. However, most of the organizations and other clients complain that they are not able to get the desired solutions from their development partner. This is because they actually don’t know how to deal with an IT outsourcing company and how to move forward with the project. Here are some of the most effective tips that will help clients in working with the IT outsourcing company: Hire someone local: It is always better to have someone on your side who originally belongs to the country you are outsourcing to. Make sure the person understands the dialect spoken in that very region of the country as usually there are many languages and dialects in a country. If the person is from another country then make sure that there isn’t any cultural or long standing cold war between your guy’s country and the country you are outsourcing to. Invest some time on them: The people working at the other end are also human beings like you and they also need some nurturing and time to feel comfortable and attached. Take out some time

New App to Add Enemies On Facebook

All of us who use Facebook (and I don’t think there would be many who could say they don’t have an account) would be familiar with concept of adding friends on it. However, there is a new app now that allows users to identify and show people, food, things, food or anything else as “enemies”. The “EnemyGraph” is a newly launched Facebook app that is not developed by any organization or web development company but by a professor and two students from the University of Texas at Dallas. The app was released on 15th march and allows users to share anything having a Facebook presence as an enemy. People, organizations and institutions with liberal views and thinking have shown special interest in this app and the list includes some famous names such as Rick Santorum, Fox News and Westboro Baptist Church. Dean Terry, who is a professor and the person who conceptualized the application, says that the story coverage of their app by media has played a major role in popularizing the app and initiating the much awaited and usually not discussed things about the nature of social networks and Facebook in particular. Terry says “One thing that has always struck me is the enforced niceness culture. We wanted to give people a chance to express dissonance as well. We’re using the word enemy about as accurately as Facebook uses the word friend.” Further he adds that the application has much wider and effective implementation. He explains that organization and

Benefits of Software Development Outsourcing

Software Development Outsourcing activities have been prevalent since more than a decade now. In the past decade, organizations started realizing that they cannot do everything on their own and it is better to outsource the non-core activities rather than struggling to manage them in spite of lack of knowledge, expertise and resources. There are many advantages of hiring a software development company and outsourcing your IT work to them. Some of the most prominent benefits that attract organizations in developing countries for outsourcing their IT work to offshore locations are: Cost savings: The most important factor that attracts organizations towards software development outsourcing is the cost benefits offered by it. Organizations save the money that would have been otherwise spent on infrastructure setup and employee hiring. Further, maintaining a development centre and the related resources is also very costly. Quality solutions: A software development company can offer much better and reliable solutions compared to the in-house solutions. They have proper knowledge, experience and resources to complete the work in time and accurately. Extra funds for core activities: By outsourcing their work, clients save a lot of money which can be invested in various core functions of the organizations and thus enhance their performance. World-class technology: Developing software solutions is the core function of software development companies therefore it is mandatory for them to maintain a state of the art development center with all the latest and popular technologies. With these technologies they can deliver a highly reliable and unique solution

Communicating Your Requirements To A Software Development Company

It might seem a very simple and straight forward task but effectively communicating your software requirements is a much more critical and planned task. A lot depends upon it as effective communication is essential for acquiring useful solutions. Mentioned below are some tips that will help you in effectively communicating your requirements to a software development company. Mention a few similar websites to the web development company. Also mention things you like about them and things you don’t like about them. Also inform them about your competitors. Define your website in terms of adjectives such as sophisticated, classic etc Inform the web development company about the data to be entered by the user and the information that the application is expected to produce. If possible, gather and provide all the related documentation for your website. Describe all the major features of your website in detail. Each feature should be explained clearly with inputs for all the possible usage situations. If you wish to develop a part of the solution yourself then inform this to your development partner. Tell them the responsibilities that you will be handling and discuss how it will function along with the solution developed by them. Finally check whether all the information has been conveyed or not. Even if you feel that a particular detail is very small, still you should convey it to the web development company. Xicom technologies is among the top 100 web development companies in India where clients from all over the world

Impact of Facebook App Development On Businesses

Facebook is, without any doubt, one of the most heavily visited social platform over the internet. The huge traffic brings loads of new and exciting opportunities for all businesses. Businesses and organizations can easily acquire attractive and effective Facebook applications that can enhance and boost their business. Let us see how Facebook application development can impact a business: Branding Benefits: Give your business exposure to a platform where soon 1 billion users will be navigating. Yes, Facebook has estimated 1 billion users by august this year. Client Engagement and Awareness: Facebook application development provides a highly effective tool through which businesses can keep their clients informed of all the latest and relevant information about their services. New products and services can be easily conveyed to them over a place where they are most likely to hangout on a regular basis. This helps in creating loyalty in your costumers towards your brand. Lead Generation: If you can effectively convey your message to such a wide audience then chances of generating business leads are greatly increased. Including some entertainment and attractive features on the app would further help in lead generation. Customer Feedback: Clients and customers can leave their comments and suggestions about your services and products via your Facebook app. These suggestions will be very helpful in formulating your future business strategies. Make sure that feedbacks could be easily given by clients over your application. Organizations and businesses can always hire an experienced software development company having expertise in Facebook application

Top 5 Reasons to use WordPress as a CMS

WordPress is one of the most widely used open source content management system for web development purposes. It is used by almost every web development company for creating blogs and websites. The top 5 reasons to use WordPress as a content management system are: User Interface: The most significant feature of WordPress is its user interface that makes content management a very easy task. Users with limited technical knowledge can also work on WordPress and manage their blogs and websites. It is the best CMS for everyday user. Plug-ins: There are numerous plug-ins available in WordPress. Almost any functionality can be achieved through these plug-ins. Further, if you think that there is no plug-in for a particular function then you can get a custom built plug-in for yourself. Great Themes Available: A WordPress theme controls the look and design of the website. These themes are available at very low cost over internet. Users can select a suitable theme from thousands of themes available online and implement it on their website. Support: WordPress has one of the largest online communities that is very loyal to it. You can always find help and solutions for problems that you may face while developing websites over WordPress. Just search for it and you will get access to numerous forums and websites that provide help to such users. It Is Free: WordPress is an open source technology therefore it is available for free. This attracts a lot of developers and clients to this Platform. Creating

Xicom Technologies: Delivering Impeccable iPhone Applications

iPhone applications are the most in-demand mobile application development solutions today. The attractive features, sleek design and high prices have made iPhone a status symbol that everyone wants to flash around. Xicom offers highly attractive and impeccable iPhone applications designed around the specific requirements of the client. These applications further enhance the capabilities of iPhone mobiles. Xicom aims at providing futuristic iPhone & iPad application development services to its clients that are really effective in their business activities. Xicom utilizes latest cutting edge technologies to create highly innovative and robust applications for iPhones and iPads and thus actualizes client’s ideas into real world entities. Various tools and technologies used expertly at Xicom technologies are: Xcode iPhone SDK (software development kit) Cocoa Touch Objective C Other normally used tools for designing and development Xicom boosts of an impressive and awe inspiring presence of more than 10 years in the web development and mobile application development industry. Moreover, Xicom Elance profile clearly shows that it is the only web development company over Elance with 100% recommendation from clients and a 5 start rating. This makes Xicom the number one web development service provider with only a very few others that stand anywhere close to it.

Xicom Offering Full Fledged Software Testing Services

Software testing is an essential and unavoidable phase of software development life cycle (SDLC) which involves various methods and techniques to ensure the quality of the product. Various errors and bugs are encountered in software testing which must be carefully documented and sent to the development team for correction or removal. The product is checked by comparing its features with those mentioned in the requirement documentation created initially. Testing also helps in determining whether the application will be applicable and useful in the real world usage. Xicom provides well conceived software development services along with reliable software testing services to ensure an impeccable software solution for its clients. The full fledged software testing services provided by Xicom allow them to deploy software solutions to their clients with full confidence. Apart from the testing for self developed softwares, Xicom technologies also provides testing services for softwares developed by other development companies. This methodology has been found to be very effective in obtaining a high quality solution with no error or short comings. To power its software testing services, Xicom employs a team of more than 50 highly skilled and experienced software testing engineers solely dedicated to software testing and ensuring error free delivery of solutions to the clients. Various testing methodologies are followed by the software testing engineers depending on the software, level of testing and the requirements of the client. With more than a decade of software testing experience, Xicom exhibits a strong command over various testing procedures and techniques

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Xicom Technologies Ltd.

Founded in the year 2002, Xicom is a ISO 9001 certified software development company with a strong team of 300+ highly skilled IT experts, catering result-oriented and cost-competitive solutions to SME's across the world.