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Web Development Services in India at affordable rates

An India based Web Development and Offshore Software Development Companies providing customized, cost effective, technology driven internet/ web based solutions all across the world. They offer full range of Custom Web Application Development using PHP, ASP, ASP.Net, AJAX, VB.Net, C++, Java and XML and also offer software development services. Over the years, Web Development Companies has expanded a deep understanding of the industry, a well-built technical background and the ability to give fast gyrate time for the software projects for their clients in India and abroad. Their key principles are, comprehensive understanding our clients’ business objectives, providing highly personalized experiences, maintaining a strong thrust on quality, and stick on to the best ethical practices. Web development companies are well equipped with modern development facilities. They acquire the latest software development tools and hardware infrastructure with a complete 24 hour power backup facility so that development can take place interruptedly and in timely manner. In most cases Internet, email access with Instant Messengers like MSN, Yahoo, Skype for Text and Voice Based chat is available for all team members for their respective companies. Their only goal is to understand your business, share a common business goal with you, and help you reach your objectives. They value the long-term relationship they create with their customers and ultimately become an extension of their businesses. All companies provide the best quality website development & software development services. So, you can be rest assured that your business is in good hands.  

Building a web development team

A web development team need not necessarily be an in-house affair as it can also be an outsourced team. The object of forming a web development team is to streamline your website, carry out SEO techniques and increase traffic to help you enlarge your business. As all of us are aware that millions of people utilize the Internet services on a daily basis and therefore to properly maintain the website, it calls for a competent team of qualified professionals. The process of maintaining a successful website can at times be strenuous and this the reason why many people opt to outsource at least certain tasks to a professional web development team. All of us know web design and development is a relatively new activity. Web development calls for professional competence to combine all media activities with data processing applications. What special skills do people need for web development and how to bring together the people with those skills to form a useful web development team? The key factor for putting up a web team development team is balancing the IT technical skills with creative skills. Quite often there may be a conflict between a technically perfect design and one that is aesthetically attractive – as the two may seldom combine. It usually becomes evident from a causal glance at a web site as to how the web team is balanced. One way to develop a well-balanced web team is to rely on tools to provide the technical framework, to which

Web Development: The most growth intensive and developing industry of the World

During the mid 1990’s, there were only about 1000 web development companies in the United States. But, by the time we reached 2005, the statistics for web development company presence in the United States alone rose to more than 30,000 and at present the number is around 50,000 in the US. This is just the tip of the ice berg, as many other European countries and also Asian countries are also experiencing boom in this industry, as numerous aspirants are finding it highly profitable and easy to set up a web development company in their respective lands. The depreciating costs of hosting a website and also the large number of skilled and educated work force available wide and across, is also encouraging more and more companies to join the field of website development. Previously the total process of website development, from the drawing boards to the hosting, used to cost tens of thousands of dollars. At present, the same process costs not more than a thousand dollars, for a simple website. This is the precise reason, why more and more companies want to have a website of their own, and so more and more people are coming forward with new and innovative ideas and methods of web development. Another significant factor that has ensured the development of this field is the constant upgrading and development of the easy to use WYSIWYG web development software. With the help of this software, basically anyone can create a web page. The knowledge of

Choose an Affordable web site development from Indian company

When you choose to make a website and look for a good development of your website, you should always go for an affordable web site development agency. It is easy to find an affordable web site development company and a horde of Indian companies are there to serve you. All you need is to make a good research on the Internet. After you get an affordable web site development firm, the next thing you need to do is to check for its 24 x 7 customer support. If you are going for a hosting service as well, check for the bandwidth. Now what is bandwidth? Well, it refers to the amount of data that is transferred from your site to your users. Whenever somebody visits your website, they use your bandwidth. Two things you must consider, they are you should check the amount of space that you are going to allocate to your domain. In other words, you need to see how much file space you would be requiring for your website. The other thing you need to see is the amount of bandwidth that you are allowed to use monthly. Coming to the affordable web site development firm, there are many firms that speak high of themselves. So, it should be you to decide which firm to go for so that you can get the rate that is affordable for you. You can do so by looking at their past history of work. Since adult web design largely depends

Open Source Web Development Solutions: Complete cover for all your web development needs

With the rise in global economy, most corporate bodies need a website that is versatile in every aspect. They also require companies to have the expertise of developing custom applications including online payment solutions, email newsletters, blogs, RSS feeds etc. The transition of the internet and the latest industry developments has resulted into demand for more professional-looking websites. Open source development solutions have certainly opened the doors for any web development company to meet the growing demands of the corporate bodies. Open source application solutions are widely acceptable these days because they provide hassle free programming and debugging. The source code can be accessed without paying a dime. Source codes are also open for editing. As a result, web developers have a wide array of choices to edit codes and upload pages in real time. There are several open source development tools including LAMP, WYSIWYG, Jhoomla, and RIAs that are widely used for free of cost. LAMP (Linux-os; Apache-web server; MySQL-database server; PHP-programming language) is one such tool. WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) helps developers to edit in real time. Microsoft Technologies’ open source tool RIAs is also used in web development due to its interactivity and rich functions in developing desktop applications and web applications. Further, application software like Jhoomla has certainly brought a welcoming change in the web development arena. Open source application solution such as Jhoomla is a stylish, simple and professional solution for web development. It is a content management system that has an infinite number of open source

ASP Programming Development: to enhance your web presence

ASP means Active Server Pages, the most common and universally known technology which used to create dynamic web pages. You can not run pages with ASP by just viewing them in a browser. The web page is first requested and demanded through server, that’s why it’s known as Active Server Pages. VB Script is the default scripting language for ASP. ASP has many features like, 1. It allows server side scripting 2. It allows monitoring and handling of on page events 3. It supports different levels of authentication services such as passwords, wallets, and smart cards 4. It allows users to handle large number of data 5. It also allows the exchange of data between different software applications 6. Used to develop database driven websites and applications 7. It can work with any web browser 8. It can enclose text, XML, HTML and scripts 9. Security of data, because ASP code can not visualized from browser The other feature of ASP is that you can create a website with e-commerce functionality. ASP development allows developers to create flexible and search engine friendly shopping carts that can set up quite easily. The flexibility provided by ASP framework can add more value to your online store. By using this you can add unlimited products and categories to your online store. Today in India, lots of software development companies providing outsourcing ASP development services. Before hiring a services provider you need to confirm that they are able to meet all your requirements within

Perfect Web Development For Perfect Business

Web development today is very convenient for the technology in use. The increase in Web sites and use in the modern world indicate the advantages of software engineering to the Web development. Web offers enough space for the user to work and provides an option for users to have a website. Now days, script in PHP and programming. NET has become so easy about Web Development that everyone can develop their own personal web page. Web Hosting is for the purpose of sharing idea at any level whatsoever whether started the academic level and continues to individuals and professionals.With a good web development, a company can make the network an outlet for placing on the market for the sale and purchase of services and products of all kinds. Web Development requires the understanding of processes related to web development. The Web development team are given the task of assessing and re scripting (if necessary), the theme made by the design team for the site. Web development team has the responsibility to give a new face to the website finished. The evaluation requires technical procedure and subjectivity. The Web developers working individually to bring their style in their creation and the combination of the whole thought process is used to influence the web page. XML and Java Script asynchronous nature allowing the site to be more responsive to user demand without compromising the site’s original speed. The Register processes and processes related to research and chatting becomes easy with XML and

Web Development: The Most Growth Intensive And Developing Industry Of The World

The depreciating costs of hosting a website and also the large number of skilled and educated work force available wide and across, is also encouraging more and more companies to join the field of website development. Previously the total process of website development, from the drawing boards to the hosting, used to cost tens of thousands of dollars. At present, the same process costs not more than a thousand dollars, for a simple website. This is the precise reason, why more and more companies want to have a website of their own, and so more and more people are coming forward with new and innovative ideas and methods of web development. During the mid 1990s, there were only about 1000 web development companies in the United States. But, by the time we reached 2005, the statistics for web development company presence in the United States alone rose to more than 30,000 and at present the number is around 50,000 in the US. This is just the tip of the ice berg, as many other European countries and also Asian countries are also experiencing boom in this industry, as numerous aspirants are finding it highly profitable and easy to set up a web development company in their respective lands. The knowledge of HTML or XML is not necessary any more, but it is always recommended to have a good knowledge of these programming languages, to get best results. Another significant factor that has ensured the development of this field is the

The Oh-so Predictable Future Of The Web Development Companies Around The Globe

Companies prefer integrating Ecommerce with online marketing, attracting RSS feeds to their websites, receiving e-marketing services and SEO (Search engine Optimisation) and providing online networking communities for clients and members. The year 2000 enabled companies to have their presence on the World Wide Web just for the sake of providing information. Back then, designing and creating static websites was far easier and an organization could find a web development company with ease and comfort. But recently, the rapid transition of the internet has brought thousands of innovative and exciting ways in creating and choosing websites. A professional web developer should also have the expertise of developing custom applications such as online payment solutions, newsletter, blogs etc. Today’s corporate bodies require web development companies who cater more to interactivity, content management and e-marketing services. These qualities can be found in a professionally looking web developer today. The unimaginable future of the internet does not mean we cannot assume any services provided by future web development companies. These companies must have the calibre of designing, developing and customising complete web solutions. One such revolutionary part of web development technology has been open source application solutions such as Joomla. Given the need for a static website diminishing day-by-day, the rapid transition of internet and latest industry developments, web development companies and complete web solutions providers have to ensure the availability of advanced technology to create an accurate and technologically superior website. Joomla allows web developers to build websites with the most up to

Open Source Web Development Solutions: Complete Cover For All Your Web Development Needs

Open source application solutions are widely acceptable these days because they provide hassle free programming and debugging. The source code can be accessed without paying a dime. Source codes are also open for editing. As a result, web developers have a wide array of choices to edit codes and upload pages in real time. With the rise in global economy, most corporate bodies need a website that is versatile in every aspect. They also require companies to have the expertise of developing custom applications including online payment solutions, email newsletters, blogs, RSS feeds etc. Open source application solution such as Jhoomla is a stylish, simple and professional solution for web development. It is a content management system that has an infinite number of open source codes and templates for web developers. These tools can easily customized by web developers in the web development process. Since it is a content management system, it keeps track of every piece of content including widgets, music, videos, text, images and documents. Jhoomla assists a web development company to build websites with the most advanced online applications. There are several open source development tools including LAMP, WYSIWYG, Jhoomla, and RIAs that are widely used for free of cost. LAMP (Linux-os; Apache-web server; MySQL-database server; PHP-programming language) is one such tool. WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) helps developers to edit in real time. Microsoft Technologies open source tool RIAs is also used in web development due to its interactivity and rich functions in developing desktop applications and web applications.

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Xicom Technologies Ltd.

Founded in the year 2002, Xicom is a ISO 9001 certified software development company with a strong team of 300+ highly skilled IT experts, catering result-oriented and cost-competitive solutions to SME's across the world.