Nov 2, 2009 Software Development
Community Web Development – Latest Trend
Nov 2, 2009 Software Development
Nov 2, 2009 Software Development
In the first generation web technologies were developed to tap the resources from a commercial point of view. The patrons perceived the development of the new media to bring more profits in terms of monetary gains. But as the web world advances to take over new responsibilities and roles, its very character is observing changes that are more or less inclined towards the human side.
The maxim of Web 2.2 which goes as ‘Web for the people and by the people’ clearly gives an insight of the new character adopted by the web and the emergence of community services. In the new era the developmental work as such emphasizes on increased participation of the audience member. It is this audience, the users spread all over the world that drive the web today.
In order to bring increased levels of participation and give way to more interactions, many community service programs have been thrown open to the people. At present a plethora of community services like Face book, Orkut, Hi5, etc., connect the people and communities at large. Blogs and forums have further helped as better tools and platforms for interacting with each other. Then there are Wikis that make available important online resources for the people at large.
In community web development technologies have primarily been redeveloped to make them user-friendly and interactive. On technical front both the designing as well as the scientific coding have been utilized to forge the end product for the benefit of the people at large. As of now many of these products or online services are available as free and open ended services.
Xicom provides a broad range of web development services and mobile app development services to help you harness the power of technology, consulting and maximize your online business investment.
Visit us at to learn more about our company, services and capabilities.