Jan 28, 2019 App Development
Mobile App Creator Developed Earthquake Early Warning App
Jan 28, 2019 App Development
Jan 28, 2019 App Development
The earthquake of Loma Prieta hit Oakland, California long back in the year 1989. This is one of the country’s most historic earthquakes when so much destruction took place. Los Angeles is currently launching applications that will inform Los Angeles residents about future earthquakes. That definitely calls to hire mobile app developer who has had enough experience to create such apps in the past as this type of app needs to be without any errors at all.
It is obvious that an earthquake with higher richter scale can blow down the city in seconds! It definitely needs the higher authorities or the communities of the people to think of the ways which can reduce the number of casualties. One of the ways that the people in California has thought is definitely of great help. They hired a mobile app creator who created a useful and effective app that would warn the residents in the buildings or outside when the earthquake would be to come and warn them so that they can reach the safer areas of the building easily.
Currently, development technology is working with an underground sensor network close to the main fault zone, alarms before the earthquake, giving people enough time to think of the ways to protect themselves. It was demanded from the officials to think of the things and this has certainly helped the residents of L.A.
This week, Los Angeles became the first city in the United States to announce a seismic alarm application similar to that in Mexico and Japan. This mobile application, along with the ShakeAlert warning system from the US Geological Survey, follows the wave detected by the sensitive seismograph and sends the warning downstream before it feels.
Mayors who might agree on California cities officially released the ShakeAlert L.A. application for Apple and Android smartphones on Thursday. According to the American Golf Association, the state experienced about 1,550 earthquakes in 2010–2015 which seriously called for the need to hire app developer.
In detection, the application’s push notification is displayed as “Earthquake! Earthquake! Strong vibration is expected. Please listen to it and make sure you protect yourself now.”