Nov 4, 2009 Software Development
The role of Database Query Language in development of website
Nov 4, 2009 Software Development
Nov 4, 2009 Software Development
Computer languages that find wide usage in web based development are database query languages. Query languages, as the name itself suggests, are meant to make queries, which can be as regards interacting with information systems or databases.
While query languages that make query into information systems are called information retrieval query languages, Database query languages make query into truly relational database in a structured and systematic format, like D (query language for truly relational database management system), QUEL (Relational database access language) and SQL (a well know query language for relational database).
Web sites development with an agenda to store information and provide information to the public at large is generally done with a database in the backend that facilitates the storing and retrieval. Accordingly a Database Query Language is invariably implemented in the development of website.
Web sites development community generally uses Structured Query Language (SQL) for making queries into MySQL database management system for any web based development. The query language fetches results from all kinds of search results, including images and rich media.
In fact, most dynamic and custom web development projects across World Wide Web use LAMP, which refers to a bundle of (generally) free of cost open source software including MYSQL as the database management system/ Database server. The rest of the constituents of LAMP are Linux (Operating System), Web server Apache and programming language PHP or Perl or Python. The four constituents of the LAMP together form a complete web sites development infrastructure, which is rendered insufficient without even one amiss.
A typical Database Query Language is a generalized language that comes with various formats to make queries into database. These formats include command language, menu system based method and Query By Example (QBE). These Query languages are usually included in DBMS, whereas standalone packages are available for interrogating files into non DBMS applications.
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