This prompts Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to embrace technological excellence to deliver full cycle end-to-end application software. Emerging core technical trends like PaaS, SaaS development platforms, pinning battle amongst enterprise grade and web-grade services and emergence of cloud brokers, have disrupted the landscape for ISVs. To cater successfully to the changing industry needs, ISVs need to conceive, develop and deliver high-grade industry-specific software applications at optimal cost, while being agile and flexible in their approach. Navigating these complexities to render apt business solutions is one of our specialities.
Technological Annihilation: Present market scenario is evolving at a breakneck pace, encompassing cut-throat competition. Enterprises across globe are striving hard to keep up with technological shifts and eyeing real-time evolution, but are also indulged in developing mechanism to harness maximum profits from disorderly innovation existing in different market segments.
Consumer Digitalization: Significant share of purchasing power has devolved to consumers and knowledge workers who are fast embracing au courant services and devices to effectively fulfill their personal and professional requisites. The need of the hour is to render flexible and modular software solutions that allow consumers to choose services that suit their requisites.
New Business Avenues: Exciting business opportunities are residing in every nook and corner. Every user interface including tablets, smart phones, and cloud computing and gaming software are exciting revenue generating avenues. Industry leaders are utilizing these platforms to build solutions that deal with diversified business processes- converting risks into opportunities.
Core and Non-Core Teams: ISVs need to concentrate the efforts of their core team on innovation and development of new products and leverage their non-core teams in the maintenance of pre-established products and their upcoming versions.
Domain Expertise: ISVs catering to specific business domains and verticals can distinguish amongst their products only by addressing unique impact zones and domain-specific requisites. This calls for them to allure and retain multiple domain specialists.
At Xicom, software development consultants are equipped with product engineering expertise which enables them to render professional services to ISVs, helping them to accelerate product customization process and develop application platforms to support high volume of data in private or public cloud environment. Alongside our niche-specific software frameworks, we also bring to table unparalleled programming expertise and software development skills that enable ISVs to focus on enhancing core features of their products. Xicom delivers focused solutions for:
Process Optimization: As ISVs are required to cater to millions of customers across globe, Xicom offers round-the-clock support and optimization services that elevate revenue and enhance customer satisfaction. With Xicom, established ISVs are empowered to balance the most essential business and engineering priorities that they face in their day-to-day business processes.
Validation: Defect lays in details but so does perfection. Xicom offers software testing and validation services for your enterprise that ensures qualitative analysis of the deliverable before it hits the market. We also render expert solutions that focus on revenue maximization once the product is released in the marketplace.
Innovative Acceleration: We at Xicom have expertise in rendering software services mapping across various phases of product lifecycle including designing, architecting and implementation of technology to rigorously support associated business processes.
Application Service Providers: Xicoms' software tools enable application service providers to deliver applications with greater efficiency in a short span of time. Our solutions leverage a balanced and thoughtful offshore strategy that enables you to increase customer retention ratio and market acquisition speed.
To know more about our independent service vendors (ISVs) service offerings and to get in touch with us, please complete our request information form and we shall get in touch with you shortly.
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