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Why Choose Dot Net for Enterprise Application Development

Enterprise Application is one of the most prominent and crucial things in the whole environment of web applications. It is growing and fulfilling every need of enterprises and organizations. And what is the best thing about it? Well, the platform does not only provide cross-platform and open-source facilities to its user, but it also helps in developing modern, cloud-based, and advanced applications.  The whole setup of Dot NET is specially designed to allow runtime components, with the APIs, in compilers, and also with the languages. And yes! It is operational with macOS, Linux, and Windows on both the .NET Core or .NET Framework. This magical platform helps in developing high-quality apps. With the facility of modern language constructs that are Language Integrated Query (LINQ), asynchronous programming, and generics which makes the developer’s work productive Mostly the world is opting for dot NET is because of its versatile functions. There are mainly four major reasons for enterprises to adopt this platform: The whole development tends to enhance productivity and capacity. It manages to withhold the field workers, that is changing the whole nature of the corporate environment with a film adaption of smart devices Helping the users to aid better in their whole journey of business, Enterprise big data, and analytics provides with the smarter app.  So the question is – can you really acquire the whole ambiance of Dot net for enterprise application development that would help you get a successful picture for your organization? Well, we gotta see what

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How To Optimize and Reduce The Size Of Your Android Application

How To Optimize and Reduce The Size Of Your Android Application?

“Your device is running out of space”. Are you tired of seeing this message over again on your device? Of course, everyone hates to see their phone running out of space or facing trouble while uploading their app to the app store. So what’s the problem behind this! Does your phone has low memory or slow enough to execute the uploading process? No! The real problem is with the LARGE SIZE APPLICATION. Undoubtedly, mobile storage spaces have increased up to 256 GB, but at the same time, mobile app size is also growing as developers keep adding the latest features to the app to meet the growing and changing needs of the market. In addition, with the practice to support their apps on various screen sizes, the app size increases. As a result, an increasing number of features added to the app, turns up to SDKs, higher resolution images, better graphics which makes SDK size larger.  With all these facts, it becomes a situation for users like they cannot proceed with the heavy apps on their screen, nor can they get rid of them. Moreover, they keep living with Love-and-Hate relation with these apps. On one side, rich graphics, hassle-free navigation, a bundle of advanced features are stealing the heart of the users. On the other side, these apps are crushing the sheer size of their mobile storage space.  According to the latest survey report, 74.4% of the world uses Android devices and 70% users consider the app size before

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Mobile App Trends in 2021 That You Can’t Afford To Miss

The mobile app development industry is one domain that keeps on refining every single day, so you need to keep yourself updated if you want to have an out of the box application. According to the latest report by Statista, mobile apps will generate 189 billion us dollars in revenue by 2020. Also, by the end of 2020, there will be around 258 billion apps downloaded annually, and by the next year, there will be 7 billion app users in the world. So if you have not started your app yet, you are missing a big opportunity. If you are a mobile app developer or if you are willing to get a feature-packed and advanced mobile application for your business, this blog is a must-read for you. Here we will talk about the top trends of a mobile app that you need to keep in mind while you’re developing your app for 2021. So Let’s begin: Cloud-based or SaaS mobile apps We all know that the users’ internal storage in their mobile devices is not enough, so we need to use cloud computing so that our data is hosted on cloud servers. It is easily accessible and not hard on the user’s device, and the user’s device does not have to take the burden of all the data that we are sharing through our apps. The Emergence of Beacon Technology The first technology of 2021 that will be trending is beacon technology. Beacon is a kind of lighthouse. It repeatedly

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Mobile App Development Company

Tech Talk: Select The Best Mobile App Development Company

These days, every business counts on mobile app development services to underpin the crucial business process.  The technology “Umbrella” sheathes the unprecedented rise of digital needs and bespoke products for businesses to help businesses accelerate at the pace of innovation. With every startup starting with an excellent idea to make themselves exceptional, choosing the best development partner helps in making the idea an operational reality. Also Read : FIND AND HIRE RIGHT APP DEVELOPERS IN INDIA – THINGS TO CONSIDER So, before you start searching anything for web and mobile app development companies over Google, let me draw your attention to more crucial aspects.  A Quick Navigation To “Important Statistics” According to Statista, as of Q2 2020, Android users were able to choose between 2.7 million apps, curating Google as the top place with the maximum number of mobile apps. And, Apple’s app store stands strong at second place with approximately 1.82 million apps available for iOS.  It clearly defines the rising demand for mobile apps. Also, according to App Annie, an average mobile user uses nine apps each day and roughly 30% in a month. We spend 3 hours daily using our mobiles, out of which 90% of the total time is dedicated to apps. This defines mobile apps have a significant influence on our everyday life.  The nutshell is – mobile apps should win people’s heart and mind by offering them a higher ROI (Return On Investment).  Still, two demurs scare business owners:  Who are the best developers

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Top 12+ Mobile App Plug-Ins That Will Make Your App Successful in 2021

Believe it or not but our lives have become so dependent on mobile apps that imagining a day without it would seem barbaric and abrupt. Starting from locating a cafe in a nearby place, to communicating with our loved ones at far places – the mobile app has become an integral part of our lives. A research done by Statista shows some most popular categories on the Apple App Store by share of availability. These numbers clearly tell us that the average time a person spends on their phone has been rising as the time is passing by. Thus, why not grab this opportunity and bring out a good fortune in your vanity.  How? Well, obviously by constructing a solid mobile app that provides the user with all the facilities and the vital things that are needed in the journey. One of those is plugins. Mobile App Plugins will not only save hard-earned money of yours, but it would also help you to construct an app efficiently if you are not trained or technically skilled. Therefore, by no doubt, mobile plugin apps will be the most cost-effective and excellent option to go for. Hence, here are some of the most important and Top Mobile App Plug-Ins that would help you make your app successful. What are the Advantages of Using Plugins in the Very First Place? Before we dig into the topmost plugins you would love to know why you should use them at the very first place: It is

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Mobile App Development: Why App Testing is Important in the Development Process?

Undoubtedly, with the increasing number of smartphone users, mobile applications are now recognized as the most potential platform for businesses to promote their brand and to identify new business opportunities. On one side app stores are jam-packed with the abundance of mobile applications, on the other hand, with the 90% of mobile time spending on mobile apps, businesses are madly craving to make a mark in the industry with the launch of their eCommerce mobile app.  There is no surprise in this fact that businesses can generate a considerable volume of leads and can take their business to the new heights with the small investment in mobile app development. However, according to the various studies, the bitter reality is 80-90% of mobile apps launched in app stores are uninstalled just after the single-use. Besides, the survey revealed that the average mobile apps tend to lose around 77% of daily active users only within the three days of its installation.  This is what exactly puts the businesses in a big puzzle that what exactly they need to make a successful app. What is the secret mantra of building a mobile app in 2020? Well, the journey of success starts with discovering the mistakes responsible for the app failure! The reason can be anything: the development process, design, technology, irrelevant monetizing method, incorrect app launch time or else. But, the survey report is saying something else, here are the stats and facts they have discovered for the app failure: It was projected

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Simple Guide on how to construct a mobile app with accurate icons for a successful business

With the App Store turning into exactly a battleground, application engineers need to make symbols that stand apart as well as give an outline of the key functionalities. The normal cell phone has 41 applications that the proprietor utilizes routinely.  What’s more? Your application needs to be one of those basic applications, you need an icon that makes your application look powerful. Versatile screens are little, in this way, architects can’t utilize an excess of text to depict functionalities.  The designers must pass on the functionalities and highlights of the application working inside the screen space imperative. This makes icons significant. Icons can convey the component to clients without utilizing names that occupy the room. This thought is equivalent to the application symbol, i.e., the one that clients find in the application stores even before they download the application.  Icon planning is a basic stage that requires top to bottom conceptualizing even before the advancement procedure begins.  Your application icon and application screen capture is the thing that your client will see first before introducing it. comScore reports that mobile devices account for 60% of all digital media time, with apps representing 51%. The stats show that mobile dominates across categories. In the event that your application symbol takes over 5 seconds to think what it implies, at that point it maybe should be rethought. So lets see what is the Importance of mobile app icons for a app development For what reason are application logos so significant?  Your extra

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How To Create a Successful Wish like an Online Shopping App?

The online shopping industry is growing like never before. If you really want to do something big in the online world, you should not stay behind and try your luck in the online shopping world. A custom shopping mobile app development is not merely about creating a Mobile App Product, it is about building a great Journey of Buyer on their iOS and Android mobile phones. Have a look at some notable figures from Statista By the year 2021, the worldwide eCommerce sales are supposed to amount to about 4.8 trillion US dollars, going 365% increase since the year 2014. The total share of eCommerce of total global retail sales is going to grow from 7.4% in the year 2015 to 17.5% in the year 2021. The number of online buyers all across the globe will also increase by about 162%: from 1.32 billion people in the year 2014 to 2.14 billion in the year 2021 Why is the mobile application for shopping so demanding? As you know this already, today a large percentage of users make regular purchases from their mobile devices. Therefore, a shopping mobile app development enables you to: 1. Increase sales volume and customer growth Shopping mobile apps are fundamentally created to improve the sales curve. With specially integrated features for increasing marketing and sales, you can grow your customer base all across the globe very quickly. In addition, an online shopping site may remain open 24X7 that help you sell your products and services to

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Top Influencing app development cost factors-[2020 Updated]

One of the most significant parts of a fruitful mobile application is its plan (UI/UX) advancement. Wonderful and charming screen structures, perfect catches, and special visualizations in the right spot draw out a client’s certain feelings and urge them to come back to the item over and over.  The plan of mobile applications is a significant piece of application improvement. In any case, the fundamental inquiry we are keen on is application configuration cost.  The expense of application configuration relies upon what we mean by the expression “application configuration.”  Designing an application requires a wide scope of undertakings: client look into, serious review, client experience plan, communication structure, portable application interface plan, visual communication, application symbol, and logo plan. The configuration isn’t just about application appearance, it is additionally about the manner in which it works. Thus, for you, we have introduced some of the most important features that would help you in the journey. What is a Mobile Application structure? “Configuration is the production of an arrangement or show for the development of an article, framework or quantifiable human cooperation”. This is the thing that we find in Wikipedia. So in the event that we are discussing the plan of portable applications, we mean working both on backend and frontend parts. It implies that even innovations, utilized by designers, mean a great deal.  When propelling an application, the structure is the principal thing that a client sees. A decent mobile application configuration gives the accompanying advantages: It extraordinarily disentangles

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Constructing an app like Venmo & Square Cash? Here is how can you build a similar P2P app?

For as long as barely any years, versatile wallet applications have seen huge development and have offered an ascend to a market wherein new players are rising each day. Venmo and Square Cash being two of those significant players in the versatile wallet application showcase.  With the quantity of versatile based P2P installment clients arriving at 26 million in the USA alone, the business is demonstrating an image of uncontested development. The Cash App administration permits companions to quickly send cash to one another and permits vendors to acknowledge card installments. To put it plainly, it’s a powerful shared installment arrangement with an easy to use interface.  Directly from the quantity of taking an interesting player to the exchange volume that is very nearly turning out to be versatile just, every feature of the P2P installments industry is on an optimized development rate. Thus, here are some of the ways in which the user can build some of the most important peer to peer app development apps features. Something More about Leading Peer to Peer App Development P2P payment app development can be achieved with the help of these features that the app developers can use: 1. Venmo Venmo is one of the main P2P installment applications on the planet which empowers clients to send cash to their companions and family, pay for shopping, or split a bill. Every one of them a client must do is interface his ledger or platinum card to the application. Venmo is amazingly well

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Creating a Customer App for Your On-Demand Platform – The Right Feature & Cost Analysis

HOW READY ARE YOU FOR NEW NORMAL? In the market, there are numerous on demand delivery apps gaining popularity every-now-and-then among consumers. Pioneered by Airbnb, Uber, it’s presently one of the most widely opted business models, revolutionizing the businesses and customer experiences across the distinctive industries verticals. Even in the COVID-19 outbreak, the need for on-demand services has increased magnificently. In contempt of these difficulties, Uber and other big firms have been facing; lately, the on-demand business models stay incredibly profitable.  Over time, development companies have noticed a thought-provoking pattern – “The business owner shedding light on the client app and losing sight of the driver app.” In the palpability of lookalike, the reality is it’s difficult to attract drivers than to allure customers. Did You Know! The grocery delivery providers are facing great difficulties in attracting the delivery person.   Of course, it’s no wonder as their work requires long hours and long stretches of staying away from home.  The American Trucking Association stated in 2018; there was a need for a minimum of 50,000 truck drivers to fill the open jobs vacancy. This dearth still persists in the present moment, and the ATA predicts that because of the upsurging demands of E-commerce, there will be a shortage of 1,75,000 truck drivers by 2026.  Online food delivery is another sector facing a lack of workers. Even the goliath like Postmates with 1,50,000 couriers in the US, following comes to the UberEats having 3,00,000 couriers globally, are ready to invest in

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Best Features and Cost To Develop An Indoor Navigation Mobile App

Eyeing up to develop an indoor navigation app for a large building? Check out the development process, features, tech stack, and cost estimation of the app development. With the rapid advancement in technology and smartphones in hand equipped with a GPS system, wayfinding has become far easier for travelers. In modern life, where users are often occupied and constantly moving from one place to another, outdoor navigation apps seem like true blessings for the users. However, for all the good, GPS outdoor navigations only help users finding their ways to their destinations. Now the question is, how effective are these apps when you go out in the crowded shopping centers or traditional markets? Do these GPS outdoor navigation apps help you find your favorite cafes, restaurants, or shops inside the large buildings? or Any particular place that you love to hang-out with your friends? The simple answer to these questions – NO. You need an indoor navigation app that works in a similar way as GPS outdoor navigation apps do. So you must be wondering how indoor navigation apps are different from outdoor navigation apps? Well, the matter of the fact is, GPS outdoor navigation apps are working with GPS satellite signals that usually get lost in crowded places or inside the large buildings. However, indoor navigation apps are specially developed for smaller areas working with Augmented Reality that displays your location by simply accessing the integrated GPS maps. By accessing the inbuilt GPS maps, they offer the shortest routes

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top Signs of a Successful Mobile Application 2

12 Signs of a Successful Mobile Application

A great and feature-packed mobile application can skyrocket your business. The use of mobile for daily communication has increased drastically over the years all around the globe. As mobile app development technology is advancing at a lightning speed and people are getting addicted to their smart devices, businesses all across the globe (especially the smaller and medium-sized businesses) have started proper utilization of the platform for better & smooth communication.  Mobile phone devices have changed the way businesses all across the globe work today and the significance of mobile applications in different types of business has ascended the ladder to the top rapidly in recent years. In addition, a business mobile application is making it easier for users to get relevant business information at their fingertips and stay connected to their favourite brands. Let’s have a quick glance over the mobile app stats that foster small business to invest heavily on this tool: Nearly 40% of small businesses active today have a mobile app and 30% of them are planning to have their own in the coming time. Nearly 28% of small businesses have built mobile apps to attract new customers, but the industry experts suggest that there should be more to it. The businesses suggest that the most valuable features on their mobile apps have been mobile payments and customer engagement.  The percentage of mobile apps owned by upcoming small businesses is increasing drastically; making way for a more interactive future. But, do you know Gartner study reveals that

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How Much Does It Cost To Create an App Like Instashop in 2020 2

How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App Like Instashop

Digital transformation and the upsurge of mobile applications for on-request food delivery has become a focal point of consideration. According to a research led by Forbes, it is evaluated that grocery apps utilization will increment practically by half people (50%), and individuals will order food from the online grocery store and food apps. The stats details show online shopping for food deals in the US from 2012 to 2021 has assessed to reach about $29.7 Billion in 2021. Consequently, with these figures and details, it is very apparent that the sale for these online apps would increase and shine in the coming years. A great example of such an app is Intashop. InstaShop is an application that manages to deliver grocery goods right to your doorstep inside 60 minutes. Their fundamental point is to “bring the grocery store comfortable”. This Dubai-based organization is a piece of Jabbar Internet Group.  This application is structured splendidly, consistent and effective. These apps construct by effectively reasonable features and can be utilized regularly.  The application has more than 20 classifications of basic food item items, running from ordinary items like dairy, eggs, vegetables, organic products to infant care, body care items, paid ahead of time revive cards, and so forth. Thus, building an app like this can be a bit challenging but not difficult. And the cost of constructing such an app can be a bit alluring. The Android app development company can take these below tips before moving forward. On-Demand Delivery Model According

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The Role Of Product Design Team In App Development Process

It’s not less than any natural instinct that you want your project a roaring success. While, it is also important that you build the best without breaking your budget. But, saving money by cutting-down on product design process actually proves to be a false economy in the coming years. Undeniably, product design methodology is a real demur and a demanding landscape. At the bottom of the funnel it is all about problem solving, but doing it effectively is what is defined as a “Team Effort”. The expert believes creating a great product requires a team effort. But, amid discussing the role of the product team, the important question is “Which Team”? The proficient developers from the ideal mobile app development company is probably the first ingredient that comes to mind, but along with visual developers, UX designers, UX researchers adds many feathers to the product team and to the product development. You might be thinking why I took UX researchers? Simply, UX research can gratify essential customer insights about the target users. But, on the same note don’t forget about the usability test either. The design workshops and prototyping helps in improving the communication within the team members and helps in crafting an agile environment and the best part is they are great at problem solving. So, here in this post we will cover: What makes the best product design team?     What are the 3 most important ingredients? Starting With “What Is A Product Team”? Let’s start from the

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